Sunday, April 06, 2014


I realize I haven't posted to my blog and I know people start to wonder why if I don't post regularly.  So,  for an update.  When we were returning from Palm Springs,  we were in a traffic tie up at the Massey Tunnel (about 20 minutes drive to our apartment in Vancouver) and I checked my email on my phone and noticed a voice mail.  It was an urgent message from Andreas,  Ian's (Jim' brother) apartment manager to say Ian had taken ill and he had called 911.

We learned that Ian had a burst appendix and received surgery Wed night.   On Friday morning we received a call from the surgeon that Ian wasn't doing well.  We came in on the ferry Friday afternoon and saw Ian and the various doctors and nurses.   Saturday he was doing much better and today even better so things are looking very positive.

It's been a stressful time but we just had a wonderful lunch at Fern and John's and Fern created her usual magic with food….wow…thanks so much!  It was very relaxing to talk with old friends and look at their wonderful view over the Gorge and the weather cooperated by being very sunny and warm.  

I had a good visit with Elaine yesterday and we are all going to the Blue Crab for dinner tonight.

We are currently staying at the Hotel Grand Pacific (our favourite hotel in Victoria and a wonderful place to stay in troubled times!) until Monday.  We both have doctors and physio appointments to deal with our own health issues of my fractured patella and Jim's torn meniscus beginning Tuesday.

Ah well….it's just life.