We were really thrilled to get a traditional Chateaubriand with a few extras in the vegetables like endive, roasted garlic, and goat cheese on tomato…and the usual asparagus with bernaise, carrots, roast potato.
I think the last Chateaubriand we had was room service at the Eugene Hotel. We had had a great one here when we were doing grad work at the University of Oregon before Richard was born. Richard was only about 2 1/2 so that's why we had it in our room. They did the whole service table thing even so. I also remember Richard spilling grape juice on the carpet. Jim had just done his final oral for his Doctor of Arts. When Richard and I were waiting in the car to pick him up I told Richard that his Dad was going to be a "Doctor" when he saw him. Richard got very excited and cried out "Dr. Bones!!!"…one of his favourite character from the Richard Scarry books. Alas, I had to explain Dad wasn't going to arrive as Dr. Bones…
We began with lobster tail tempura for two….each got a lobster tail with orange chill sauce.
Our Chateaubriand being prepared.
We even got a visit from Santa.
Yum Yum!