This was a fun event and we met some interesting people and talked to old friends and neighbours. And I got invited to join a Woman's Group whose mandate is raising money for scholarships and having fun. Think I'll try it out as the idea of doing something worthwhile other than continuous fun, fun, fun, in the sun is appealing.
Gary and his father are so generous in donating and cooking all the meat and folks brought all sorts of great salads, appies, and desserts. Since we've been so busy I signed up for chips and dip…glad I did since we had a busy day. Someone had provided leis and greeted everyone with those. Someone else had got businesses to donate things so there was a raffle of around 20 items. Lots of fun and I'll look forward to the Farewell Bar-b-q in April.
Out to Art Under the Umbrellas to buy one of these painted umbrellas. This time I wasn't that impressed with them. The fellow does a limited number of designs, none particularly attractive when I looked closely and thought of parting with $500-$600. I decided to buy a red market umbrella from Lowe's for $80 and paint it myself. Then I decided the red umbrella would look great just as it is and I think our patio space is too small to take a painted design umbrella and plants I'm thinking of putting there.
Erna and Marvin loved our chairs and we just love them as well. They were comfortable before but even more so with the foam replaced.
Marinated chicken, burgers and dogs.
Some of our new friends.
Our chefs extraordinaire!