Linda warned us yesterday that we should act fairly quickly on getting a portable air conditioner for the bedroom as they sell out when it gets hot. The fellow at Home Depot confirmed that. So, off shopping for that before noon today. Sunday morning is a great time to shop and drive...very little traffic and very few people in the stores. (Only slight problem was this old dear in a car with the vanity licence plate "Auntie" came out of nowhere and went obliviously through two lanes of traffic and almost sideswiped us....perhaps late for church.)
And we managed to get a handyman to install it this afternoon so all set up for the heat when it comes. The most interesting handyman we've ever had. We invited him for a beer and had an interesting chat....very new age, Eckhart Tolle kind of guy. But of course, Aldous Huxley was like that so, hey.
A few photos I took from the balcony and of our new installation.