We had what we call "the full Irish" today for breakfast today....not "grilled mutton kidneys" like in the photo that Leopold Bloom enjoyed. For us it's bacon, egg, and a waffle with strawberries.
Joyce fans are pretty pleased that James Joyce is coming into the public domain. His heir has been a real idiot in threatening to sue the Irish government for a public reading on Bloomsday so no more of that nonsense.
Well...on such a rainy day, lunch at The Sylvia topped off with an Irish Coffee seemed like a good treat.
Students at the University of Boston have created a cool app called JoyceWays that I've downloaded and look forward to exploring:
"This is JoyceWays. It’s a place for saunterers, idlers, and tech-savvy literati. Enter into the topographical world of Ulysses and Dubliners, the Dublin as remembered by Ireland’s most revered novelist. From the central artery to Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, from the National Library to 7 Eccles Street, JoyceWays allows you to explore the texture of the city through the footsteps of Leopold Bloom, Stephan Daedalus, and other Joycean favorites. Excerpts from the works are glossed with expert criticism, quirky facts, and contemporary images. An interactive tourist map, a study companion, an escapist’s toy—professors and pupils alike will appreciate this indispensable guide to James Joyce’s Dublin."