"The Sisters Brothers" by Patrick deWitt
Well, a "western" didn't really interest me but I felt I had to give it a try given all the publicity, being nominated for four major prizes and winning two of them. I must say I did enjoy it and felt it lived up to its billing. I'm a sucker for black humour but it's more than that although liberal doses of that thrown in. Not surprised that the film rights have already been
sold to actor John C. Reilly's production company in a major deal, with Reilly to play one of the brothers. One look at Reilly's mug and you can certainly see why he would be able to play one of the brothers...guess he'll probably play the "good" one but maybe not.

And I learned about something new...book trailers. Seems like a good idea except that if I saw the book trailer to The Sisters Brothers I think it would have turned me against reading the book! Probably an author reading from the book would be the biggest hook for me especially if the author answered a few typical audience questions.
"Book Trailers
The newest way to promote your book is with video! These videos are called Book Trailers. They are similar to a movie trailer, in that they are designed to build interest in an upcoming or current novel and to encourage people to buy the book that they are based on.
The main difference is that a movie trailer already has visual images to work with - clips from the film. With a book trailer, the maker (either the author themselves or a professional videographer) has to convert the written words into visual images. The trick is to convey a sense of what the book is about without giving anything away - and without really clearly defining what the characters look like, as most readers prefer to visualize what they are reading about as they imagine it themselves.
Most book trailers run from one to three minutes. They can be anything from the author reading a passage from the book, to an elaborate mini-movie."
Book trailer for "The Sisters Brothers"