Sunday, November 21, 2010

Back home

We returned to Vancouver bathing in sunshine and a dusting of snow. Great to be picked up at the airport by Richard and not have that last wretched Victoria's such a killer after a long flight.

We had a good sleep last night and feel almost much easier coming this way for jetlag.

Today we went to The Sylvia Hotel for breakfast, had crepes from a stand that is just in front of us for lunch, and will head to Denman for dinner tonight. So nice not to drive.
Cracked open a bottle of Bandol red for lunch (notice we are having lunch on the coffee table I painted of the Hotel Splendide in Bandol) since it seemed like we were in the south of France with the sunshine and the view of the ocean.

Photo I took this morning when I got up.

Richard loved the knit tie (apparently very cool again) we bought for him at Liberty's in London.