I can't imagine starting my day without the comfort of a newspaper in the morning even if it is mostly bad news these days. I've started to read The Desert Sun online lately. We really enjoy it when we're in the desert. It's nice to know we'll be in the sun and warmth before long.
From John's blog to go with the photo:
1967 — In the 1960’s almost everyone subscribed to a newspaper as it was the only way to get news. The rule for a Saturday newspaper was 50 papers per bag and judging from the thickness of the newspapers I can see I bet this picture was taken on a Saturday so the young women with the wagon had very close to 250 subscribers on her route, not unusual for the west end of Vancouver then. I wish it was the same today. In the 1960’s the circulation of the Vancouver Sun was close to 250,000 and a few months ago despite a ten fold increase of population the print run is as low as 148,000.
John's Photo Blog
Miscellaneous photographs
MyDesert.com | Palm Springs Today's Newspaper | The Desert Sun