Here's the email I received from GOERT. BTW, the handbook is very impressive and gives lots of ways to create a Garry Oak meadow.
Hi Janice,
I just saw your posting about Don and Elaine's new home at -- I'm always on the lookout for items about the trees because I work with the Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team in downtown Victoria. Do you think your friends would like to receive one of our free handbooks? It is full of interesting information about the tress, which invasive species stop the rare wildflowers from coming up, etc. They are welcome to give me a call at 250-383-3447 and I would be happy to send them one.
You wrote that you may paint the tree. Please excuse me if I seem pushy but I'm going to ask anyway … Would you consider doing a painting of a Garry oak that we could borrow to hang in the long (empty) hallway leading up to our office? The hallway is dark, but it has character as the building is the oldest brick building in Victoria, built in 1858. Shall we talk? I won't take offense if you gracefully decline. We believe strongly that artists should be paid for their work, but because we are a non-profit we just don’t have the budget. I'm going out on a limb here but as your work is full of life and colour, I have the feeling that you won't take offense.
Betsy Rose, Interim Financial Administration
Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team (GOERT)
209 - 606 Courtney Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1B6
Tel: 250-383-3447 / Fax: 250.590.3410