We had a super time with our old friends, Roger and Kerry. I knew Kerry in high school and the four of us had many good times together in university and as young adults. In university in those days you could actually go skiing on the cheap...a buck for the rope tow on Seymour. We all splurged one reading break and went skiing in Manning Park for four days...$10 a night for the four of us at the Gateway Motel.
We went for free to my parents place on Gabriola Island and Roger did the lion's share of catching, cleaning, and cooking the fish, oysters, etc. Lots of picnics with cheap chuck steaks done on the hibachi and games of cards on Friday night
splitting a bottle of cheap crackling rose and thinking this was the high life.
We all left UBC and Vancouver and later met up in Montreal, Quebec City, and Regina. It's so great to be in contact again and I dug up some old pictures to go with the ones we took these last few days. Funny, how we all feel exactly the same but we do realize we do look a little different...

The four of us (and Richard) on the ramparts in Quebec City in 1978.

The four of us on the streets of Sidney, B.C.
Then...we fished for our dinner on Gabriola Island.

Roger getting the boat ready...Kerry practicing her netting skills.

Jim playing the part of being the fisherman.
Now...fish and chips at Barbs.

Kerry and Roger at Fisherman's Wharf.
Then...a great day was to go skiing.

Kerry and Roger enjoying hot rums after a day's skiing at Manning Park.

Janice playing the part of being a skier.
Now...a great day is searching for treasures at the Oak Bay Dump.

Roger and Kerry at the "dump"

A great day...chairs, portable easel, pictures, paints, deskset, etc.

"Jim" cooking the steaks.

"Jim" cooking the steaks.
P.S. And as well as cooking the steaks, Roger put together the bar-b-q that had been languishing in our basement and also fixed our deck chairs. You guys have to retire here!