August 12, 1976
Dear Mom and Dad,
Excuse the writing paper but I had some time between classes. In the end we did get your mail which was nice because it would have been a long time without any news. I was very glad to hear that you invited Monique to Gabriola for the holiday week-end. She raved to me in her letter about the wonderful time she had and how much she appreciated your kindness
It’s difficult to be in another country away from your family and when your best friends leave too it makes it all the more difficult. I’m very happy you’re taking care of her while we’re absent. As I’m sure you must be aware after spending a few days with her, she is an extremely warm person and she gives pleasure and happiness to everyone. Her family misses her very much and are unhappy she has decided to live in Canada. However, they realize that she is perfectly suited to her job in Canada and she wouldn’t be able to do the same thing in France.
Monique’s fears for us in Paris were unfounded as we are enjoying Paris very much...our apartment is cool and tranquil and we’re very pleased with it. It isn’t exactly deluxe but it’s better than a cheap hotel room and we can cook which saves a lot of money. Also, we are very pleased with our courses and our’s just perfect.
We’re looking forward very much to our trip to Poland and are anxious to see our friend again and meet his wife and children. Also, it should be fascinating to visit a communist country.
The courses are really keeping us busy along with all the exciting things to see and do here.
All our love,
Jim and Janice
Some more photos from our April/05 trip to Paris:
This is a market very close to our hotel in the Latin Quarter and was our first experience of a French market in 1972. Hasn't really changed much.
This is a ceiling in the Louvre. I hadn't been to the Louvre for years and never been inside the "pyramid" so that was quite neat. During that August in '76 I did go to the Louvre six times and still didn't see everything... people! This photo was quite a feat because there are always hordes around the Venus de Milo and every Japanese tourist has to have their picture taken in front.
The Musée d'Orsay is great for all the wonderful impressionist paintings and for this view of the Seine, etc.
This fabulous Musée d'Orsay clock...the original railway clock from the station. They certainly went all out with their railways stations in those days.
It always lends a rather nice feel to have artists painting in the art museums.
The Van Gogh's remain my favourite at the Orsay.