Friday, May 13, 2005


I see Richard has got some more pictures up...these are mainly of Bandol and especially for Monique! BTW, Monique's mother and Roger are coming for lunch tomorow and we're really looking forward to their visit.

#1 Bandol...I think this is Monique's favourite place for coquillages (shellfish, oysters, etc)

#2 Bandol

#3 Bandol

#4 Interior of the 400 yr old house of our landlords...beam is original but not supporting anything now.

#5 Painting of our back garden with Robin leaving in disgust at us not providing him with the treats he wants.

#6 Fern's magnificent watercolours of west coast scenes...I get pleasure looking at them everyday and they have pride of place on top of our fireplace.

#7 This painting is sideways but supposed to be the view from the Hotel Suisse of the Promenade des Anglais in Nice.

#8 Jim and one of these little motorized bikes he has dreams of tootling around on.

#9 and 10 Bandol