Monday, December 06, 2004

Blurry lines from across the border

This is a post I enjoyed from Wally Hunter, a friend of my son's who is Canadian, but working and living in the US.

November 21, 2004

Blurry lines.
I'm slowly moving into a point of acceptance. although i go back and forth into denial, but for the most part i'm bouncing back, i'm still trying to get a grasp on the lines in this country, its seems christianity is the key to everything, since i've never been exposed to much of that, i'm a bit in cold getting a grasp on this morality for example abortion appears not to be christian while execution is, being poor is your own fault, while maintaining and enhancing wealth is a government service and a sacred right, we can't always say what we want but we can always by a gun, i'm still trying to find that new bible that they use here and am looking forward to learning about this patron saint of Darwin who was wrong human history but right on social order. so the task for the next while is to learn the other side. hopefully, i wont be corrupted.