Saturday, March 15, 2003

Paris is so wonderful. Just back from seeing Notre Dame again in all its glory. Lit a candle for our friends in Poland who we were so glad to meet in Paris in 1987 after having visited their home in 1976. We attended Mass with them in Notre Dame. Angele is a devout Catholic. And also thinking of Bill Thomas; of course, and our chance meeting of him in Paris in 1976. A devout lover of life! Very moved (to tears really) of the van Gogh in the Orsay yesterday. I hqve seen them before and always impressed by the colour; movement, and intensity of life. This time I was very struck by the anguish and sadness...perhaps one need to reach a certain point in life to relte to that aspect. Great to have these Internet Cafes so available in Paris...this one has a floating rate which is never expensive and often very cheap like right now 1.40 Euros an hour. But...just wanted to get a brief message....back to Paris!