Friday, July 21, 2017

Yummy chicken pot pie....who knew?

It never occurred to me to order the chicken pot pie at The Sylvia.  I guess I have too many memories of soggy bottoms and tasteless fillings in the chicken pot pies I've had.  The other day when we were having dinner at The Sylvia (Jim needed a treat and steak-frites did the trick) I noticed something rather delicious looking going by.  It could have been a very large French onion soup but I know they don't have that. It turns out it was a chicken pot pie with a wonderful looking flaky top and in a pot so no soggy bottom and the server said it got rave reviews.  I had already ordered but we took a young UBC prof out to lunch Thursday and I just had to order it....chicken,  bacon, pearl onions,  and mushrooms.  It was fabulous and Judith noted it for herself for another time.  It seems her mother made a wonderful one and this looked like it might live up to it.

We had a really nice chat with Judith and it was great to meet someone so enthusiastic about teaching and her research projects.  She is certainly one busy lady!  There is some possibility  the next Aldous Huxley Symposium in four years time will be in Vancouver and she expressed interest in organizing it at UBC.  From what we saw of her today she would do a wonderful job and Jim would help of course.  Vancouver is a backup at the moment as they do hope to have it in Sanary (the actual conference would be at the university Jim taught at there) in the south of France where Huxley lived and wrote Brave New World.

Judith gave me her blog with the courses she teaches,  conferences,  projects.  I'm always on the lookout for new and different things to read so was curious about her course readings.    You can see she has her finger in a lot of pies.   I've read quite a few of the reading selections and an amazing coincidence is that one of the readings is "The Man in the High Castle" which is being filmed on Lost Lagoon!  Now,  how likely would it be that I meet someone who teaches this novel in the afternoon after I took photos of some of the set up for the filming!

Update: Jim tells me they were filming "The Man in the High Castle" last year at UBC so perhaps not so much a coincidence as she probably chose it if they were doing the filming when the course was going on.

Judith's blog.