Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Jane Austen Society

Donna invited me to attend their monthly meeting today and I really enjoyed it!  The speaker was excellent,  Dr. Scott MacKenzie from UBC, talking about the Gothic in Austen's novels.  Then there is a potluck lunch....members bring finger food and even some wine is served.  I will become a member and look forward to their monthly meetings.  I really enjoyed meeting the people who attended as well.  Pretty much everyone is very much into take SFU's Liberal Arts 55+ courses and a lot of former teachers as you would imagine.

It takes place in the Fireside Room of St. Philip's Anglican Church in Dunbar.   I was just amazed what a wonderful building this is.  It is like a country church and so perfect for talking about Jane Austen.   Before the meeting,  Donna and I got chatting to the church caretaker and learned there is even a bowling alley under the gym.

Donna with her blueberry cake....very yummy!

There were about a dozen of these Native art works (forget the artist's name) all with biblical themes.