Saturday, December 21, 2013

Lunch with Tom and Claire

We had lunch at Wilma and Frieda's in Palm Desert yesterday…excellent panini sandwiches!

They have a fascinating month long trip to Israel in September…doing all the planning and touring themselves and certain things will depend on how safe is is to travel to certain places.  I do hope things will be in a peaceful mode for them.

They're off to spend Christmas with their daughter,  son-in-law, and grand daughter who are now living in Bowen Island running a dog care ranch….Wagsville (love the name!)  There will be 10 dogs there over Christmas and 5 year old Ella will be having a ball.   As a kid who loved dogs myself that would have been a dream come true!

For my dog lover friends in the Vancouver area,  this would be a great place to board your dogs.  They do pick up service on the North Shore.