Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Finally, The Elephant Bar!

I can't quite believe we have been here almost 7 weeks and haven't been to The Elephant Bar…one of our favourite places.  Just goes to show how busy with decorating etc. we've been.

Never disappoints!

 Sam Adams seasonal beer to start.

 The decor is always a pleasure to look at.

 Beginning with baked French Onlon Soup…yum!

 My wonderful calamari….Elaine,  I hope we can share one of these in the New Year.

Jim with his jambalaya.

Had to begin with old favourites….next time something new.

 Erna made me this great Christmas wreath…sunlight too bright in the back to really see it.

Went to the Palm Desert Library Book Nook…seems romance is very cheap this weekend.

I had to laugh at these covers…guess the content is pretty much the same as well.