Thursday, May 14, 2009

Health care is good for the economy

I never thought I'd ever agree with Diane Francis who is a very conservative economist. She makes a lot of good points in her article that's well worth reading. Here is an exerpt:

"If a worker in Canada or Europe or Japan loses his or her job this recession, it's a psychological and financial blow. But if an American loses his or her job, the family faces financial ruin if sickness strikes any member because they are without health coverage. Bridge coverage is available but unaffordable for anyone but the wealthy. Worse yet, if a major illness is diagnosed during unemployment, a worker become unemployable, bringing about a life sentence of poverty...

As an American living in Canada, I find it embarrassing that the US - rich and smart - has such a mediocre health care system. I find it embarrassing that even educated and financially astute Americans buy the lies that the American Medical Association and others spew about Canada and other "socialized" medical schemes. Facts are that governments in the US are suckers. They cover the high-risk populations-indigent, elderly, and veterans and leave the gravy to the private sector health insurers."

Health care is good for the economy