Friday, March 17, 2006

So quoth the hypocrite

I really liked an article by Leonard Pitts Jr. of the Miami Herald called "So Quoth the Hypocrite"...cut it out when we were travelling and came across it unpacking. It was in response to a high school teacher making a point in class that homosexulaity was unacceptable in the eyesight of God because God ordered humanity to multiply which gay couples cannot do. A student wrote to the journalist wondering how a gay student could ever feel assured of fair treatment in his class.

This is a partial quote of what Pitts replied to the student:

"Put simply, I've had it up to here with the moral hypocrisy and intellectual constipation of Bible literalists...never mind that the Bible also says it is "disgraceful for a woman to speak out in church (1 Corinthians 12:34-36) and that if she has any questions, she should wait till she gets home and ask her husband. Never mind that the bible says the penalty for going to work on the Sabbath is death (Exodus 35:1-3). Never mind that the Bible says the man who rapes a virgin should buy her from her father (Deuteronomy 22:28-29) and marry her."

I'm sure there are lots more examples in this vein in the bible.