Today, Monique gave us the very sad news that her mother, Jacqueline, passed away. She was 94 years old.

Jacqueline in our villa in Carqueiranne in 2005.
Jim and I have many happy memories of Jacqueline. We first met her mother and father, Robert, in Bandol, in the south of France, in 1976, when we were all staying at the Hotel Splendid. We loved them very much and spent many happy times in Bandol and a few weeks later in Annecy, Monique's hometown and where they still lived. Jacqueline and Robert had found us a wonderful apartment to rent right on the lake of Annecy that we shared with Monique for the month of June that year.
Monique brought her parents to Canada a number of times and we all enjoyed each other's company so much. My parents invited them to spend a few days at their retirement home on Gabriola Island. It was such fun for all of us even though all the translating was up to the three of us since neither set of parents spoke any of the other language other than Robert, who pointed to Jacqueline and said "Pin Up" and to himself "Playboy". We had such laughs over that!
We were very sad to hear of Robert's passing.
Jacqueline met a wonderful man, Roger, and they were together until the end. We met Roger when Jim was teaching in France in 2003. They were living in Annecy and also had an apartment in St. Aygulf, on the French Riviera, an hour's drive from Carqueiranne where we were living. Jacqueline and Roger invited us up for lunch and it was so wonderful seeing her again and meeting Roger. He cooked a wonderful veal saute for us. I took this little video at time.

Jacqueline and Jim enjoying a conversation in their lovely apartment in Aygulf.

Jacqueline, me, and Roger enjoying a seaside walk in Aygulf.
In 2005, when Jim was again teaching in France and we had the villa in Carqueiranne, they came to visit us and we had another super visit with them.

Roger, me, and Jacqueline in our villa in Carqueiranne in 2005.
We will always cherish our memories of Jacqueline and the special relationship she and Monique had together.