Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Missing my Palm Springs book group

This is a email from Kathy,  our leader,  who does a wonderful job!  

• The next session of the All About Books group will be Wednesday, May 13, at 2 p.m. in the conference room in the HOA office.  All Canyon Sands residents are welcome.  May’s focus will be on books that those in attendance are currently reading. 

One dimension of the discussion will be how individuals choose their books.  At the April meeting, participants received a copy of “Your Reading Personality,” a quiz developed by BookBrowse.  (See attachment.)  To take the quiz and have it scored, go online (  This material will start the conversation about book selection.

• Palm Springs author Irene Tritel shared her rich experiences as a writer and reader at the April 8 session.  Irene described the evolution of her novel, Rosie’s Gringo Palace, as well as her upcoming short-story collection, Twisted Shorts.

Also, Irene recommended another Palm Springs author’s novel—Phyllis Greenbach’s The Blessing and the Curse.  Phyllis will lead a discussion of her novel at the May meeting of the Rancho Mirage Library Book Discussion Group.  If anyone is interested in attending that session on May 8 at 10 a.m., contact Kathy Hug by May 4.  (See contact information below.)

• Monitors for the Canyon Sands Lending Library are Patti McCarron for April, Karen Bourdase and Bonnie Ewing for May, and Kathy Hug for June.  Monitors are needed for July and August.

I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.
–Jorge Luis Borges, writer (1899-1986)

 I took the quiz and got:

The Eclectic Reader

You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or limited range of authors.