Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Polar Bear Swim…Palm Springs style

From John yesterday:

Throw an ice cube in the pool for me when you have your new year swim.

I would have thought they didn't go in for Polar Bear swims here but in this morning's newspaper (yes,  a newspaper even on Christmas day…seems they publish 365 days a year)  there was a story on the Polar Bear swim yesterday at the Palm Desert Aquatic Centre.  Well,  given the temp was in the 70's,  the only thing "Polar"  was the guy in the Polar Bear suit!

Happy New Year everyone!

The Desert Sun had an article on New Year's celebrations around the world this year.  London was my favourite…how cool!

 "London welcomed 2014 with a mixture of futuristic fireworks and torch-lit tradition. The city's mayor said this year's explosive display came packed with peach-flavored snow, edible banana confetti and orange-scented bubbles. The evening also included scratch-and-sniff programs, LED wristbands and fruit-flavored sweets."

And some other ones were pretty dismal…read all about it: