Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Some interesting music....way to go, Oliver!

Nigel and Leslie's son, Oliver, is in an interesting band...I was quite intrigued by the music.  He was interviewed in Mosaic.


And I decided to buy the EP.  I'm very impressed with how they have this all set up.  It's now on my iPod.

Greetings Janice Sexton! Thank you for purchasing:

Leisure Suit EP, digital album, $5.00

$5.00 USD
If you haven’t gotten your download already, click here. Try this if you need help downloading.
If you want to contact Leisure Suit for any reason, please click right here.
Thanks again for your support,
Leisure Suit

 P.S.  Well,  it's not quite on my iPod yet except for the one free download.  Richard will be over on the weekend so will get him to help.