Tuesday, October 25, 2011

And the award for presiding over chaos goes to

I sent my cousin, John, Jack Knox's column on the "good old days" in journalism. I thought he would enjoy it and have a few war stories of his own.

From John:

"The Kamloops paper sounds pretty tame to me compared to say the Edmonton Journal where the police reporter, Gerry Ball, was a convicted bank robber, and Nick Lees, who I accompanied to an interview with a playboy bunny in her hotel room except he went in ahead of me, closed the door in my face, never to be seen again for days except by the hotel staff when both of them decamped in the wee hours of the morning for Jasper and then California. Fist fights between reporters and editors? That was just a part of the editing process at the Journal. God, I miss it."

And the award for presiding over chaos goes to