Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is Stephen Harper Reading?

I went to the Yann Martel (who read from "Beatrice and Virgil") and Matthew Hooton (who read from "Deloume Road") reading last night with some of my bookclub members. We really enjoyed the evening (if not those horrible seats in the Alix Goolden Hall) as there was lots of lively conversation and thoughts from the authors. I found Martel to be a fascinating person although I'm not sure I will like his new book but will read it out of curiosity.

And it was great to be introduced to a fresh new writer, Matthew Hooton. He was very amusing and thoughtful and I was more attracted to his novel actually. I see there are 150 holds on 4 copies in the library so I imagine they'll be buying a few more.

I was also reminded about Martel's project of sending Stephen Harper a book every two weeks and his recent published account of that. He also sent a letter explaining things about the book choice and for a while other authors have taken on the task of sending Harper the books. I think there might be some good choices for our bookclub. there.

A fun evening!

What is Stephen Harper Reading?