Thursday, June 30, 2016

Violin and bow appraisal, messages in a bottle....

So,  we got the appraisal today.  The violin came in at $1200 and the bow at $800 so that will make a nice little tax receipt.  

I guess I'll put my "Pay it in Kindness" project on hold since it looks like there is going to be mail disruption.

When Richard was around 3 years old,  we launched his first (and I believe only and you'll see why) message in a bottle at Willow's Beach.   Now,  I probably sent hundreds of messages in bottles as I was quite fascinated by the whole idea.  I sent them from Stanley Park beaches, White Rock,  on the ferry to Gabriola,  loads from our beach at Gabriola and never got a response.   Would you believe that Richard got a postcard from a couple on Lopez Island who found the bottle!  

Now,  around that time there was a big mail strike.  My mother and I exchanged letters every week after they moved to Gabriola to retire and Richard enjoyed hearing them read and he participated in the content for my letters.  He was quite disappointed not to be getting these weekly letters from his grandmother and not be be sending them but then he had a bright idea...."Mom,  we can send it in a bottle!"