Friday, January 13, 2012

Lao Vientianne Restaurant

Patty and I had lunch there yesterday and the food was very generous, good flavour, and good value.  The old Tino's has had quite a transformation.  I wouldn't have thought I was in the same place!  I see there have been complaints about service and service was slow, then when we finally got our meals we were told by the server that she gave Patty's pork based curry to another table by mistake but did offer to make a change.  Well,  we were hungry, mine was ready, and who knows how long the change would be so she just accepted the chicken which was perfectly fine.

 Another rather odd thing is that many tables were waiting for their food and then a couple came in and got served immediately and were treated like royalty.  This doesn't go down so well when you're hungry and have been waiting a while!  As we were leaving I noticed the man in the staff area so he was probably the owner.

Not a good idea not to get the service aspect sorted out since they have been open a while now.  Since it's out of the way for us I won't rush back.

Not my photo but this chicken does look wonderful!